Michelle Mussuto is the newest faculty librarian to join the Meriam Library. She completed her master's in information studies from McGill University in Montreal, Canada with an emphasis in research on libraries and their educational role in climate change and sustainability. She earned her B.Sc. in Community Nutrition with an emphasis in Exercise Physiology from UC Davis. Prior to joining Chico State, Michelle was the Acquisitions and Collections Coordinator at the State University of New York's Maritime College.
Her position at Meriam Library includes working as an instructor for information literacy and research principles, at the request of faculty, for the College of Agriculture and Natural Sciences (including Nutrition Studies and Food Science). Michelle is also the library's liaison to the Center for Regenerative Agriculture and Resilient Systems.
She's super excited to now be working at a job of her dreams: academic education instruction combined with research. She looks forward to making a difference to students and faculty at Chico State and we feel very lucky to have her join us at Meriam Library. If you see her, say hello!
You can read more about Michelle’s Top Five Favorite Books in this blog post.