Welcome to the Meriam Megaphone, your source for all things library-related at Chico State! From highlighting new acquisitions and resources in our library to showcasing upcoming events, workshops, research opportunities, and more, the Meriam Megaphone is your go-to guide for staying informed and engaged in all that Meriam Library has to offer. Dive in, stay informed, get involved, and let the Meriam Megaphone be a part of your academic journey here at Chico State.

Spring 2024, Issue 2

Spring 2024 newsletter thumbnail

In this issue:
Fighting for the right to read, the joy of physical things, tech lending staff pick, new monitors coming, library events and more!

Spring 2024, Issue 1

Spring 2024 newsletter thumbnail

In this issue:
Why Millennials and Gen Zers are falling back in love with their library, what really happened on the third floor, how ScholarWorks promotes educational justice and equity, what’s available in our Innovation Lab, upcoming events