There are a number of ways that the Meriam Library and the Wildcat Bookstore can help students save money on books, course materials, and technology.


Share books with a classmate (according to an agreed upon schedule) or trade books you no longer need for ones you do.


Wildcat Bookstore

Wildcat Bookstore Course materials Shopping List

Enter your student ID to see what resources you will need for your classes.


Electronic versions are almost always less expensive than a physical copy. Consider this if you are comfortable using virtual highlighting and note taking.


Many books are available to rent and you can still take notes in the book. If you decide to keep it,

pay the difference at the end of the semester.

Buy Used

A great price! You can also sell new or used books back at the end of the semester.

Shop Around!

Wildcat Store can price-match books purchased directly from Amazon LLC.


Meriam Library

Reserved Course Materials

Instructors and librarians put aside some course books for 2-hour or 24-hour checkout. See if your book is there and use it FREE!

Library Books

Some books (especially non-textbooks) may be available as ebooks or print books to checkout for FREE. Note until January the 3rd floor with the main books collection is closed, but you can still request books through Interlibrary loan for FREE!

Technology lending

Some classes require the use of technology items like calculators, podcasting equipment, DSL cameras, etc. Check out what the library has to offer.  


Check out the links on the attached flyer.

Chico Affordable Learning Solutions (CAL$)