Research Breakdown

We all need a little research help! Stop by Research Breakdown to get some help with brainstorming research topics, how to start a research paper, finding credible sources, how to break down scholarly articles, whatever you need to succeed! Hosted by Meriam Library, this low-stakes environment will get you ready to research! Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 1-3 pm in El Centro, MLIB 161.

New Primary Source Databases Available

Meriam Library is proud to introduce two incredible digitized databases to our collection: Black Life in America and Hispanic Life in America. Whether you’re tackling a history project, exploring your heritage, or just curious about the untold stories that shape our world, these resources are game-changers.

Research Breakdown: Get Help from a Librarian!

We all need a little research help! Stop by Research Breakdown to brainstorm research topics, get help with starting a research paper, finding credible sources, learning how to break down scholarly articles ... whatever you need to succeed! Hosted by Meriam Library, this low-stakes environment will get you ready to research! Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 1-3 pm in El Centro, MLIB 161.

Developing An Independent Mind

“Like it or not, we live in interesting times.” Robert Kennedy said these words at the University of Cape Town, South Africa back in 1966. Certainly interesting times then and interesting times now.

"Ask a Librarian" Desk is Back and Amazing!

Meriam Library's "Ask a Librarian" desk has officially reopened! The desk, staffed by knowledgeable academic librarians, promises to be an invaluable asset in your academic journey.

Take Photos and Make Meriam Library a Better Space!

Are you a Chico State undergraduate student, at least 18 years old, who self-identifies as Indigenous, Asian, Asian-Pacific Islander, East Asian or Southeast Asian? Just take photos around the library and talk in a group setting about why you took them!

The Meriam Library is looking for up to 30 students to participate in a photovoice study about how you feel about the library space.

Lantis Award Applications

The Meriam Library is pleased to announce the 2023 call for applications for the Lantis Award.

Endowed by David and Helen Lantis, this annual award provides funding for up to 3 faculty for projects which advance student success, community engagement, and scholarly or creative activity in the applicant's field. Read more about the award and the application process.

Complete submissions are due: 

Monday, November 27, by 5:00 PM.

Drop-In Math Tutoring Begins August 28!

The Math Learning Lab (MLL) launches tutoring starting Monday, August 28th on the 4th floor of the library, back left corner from the elevators. The MLL provides support for most math courses; drop-in, free, multiple tutors per hour, and meant for "short term" tutoring. The MLL is a great place to do homework, strengthen or explain concepts, and reinforce good study habits.

Fall 2023 Hours: Mon-Thurs 10am-6pm and Fri 10am-2pm

Money Saving Tips for Students

There are a number of ways that the Meriam Library and the Wildcat Bookstore can help students save money on books, course materials, and technology.


Faculty Librarians Offer Research Strategies Instruction

Faculty at Meriam Library seek to lead the campus in the instruction of practices and tools designed for effective and efficient academic research. We believe that students have greater success during and after their collegiate experience when they are literate in the evaluation, construction, and synthesis of the information available to them.