The following statistics show the use of Meriam Library resources between July 1st, 2019 and June 30th, 2020.
Collection Use
| Count |
Checkouts | 35,312 |
Collection Holdings
| Count |
Total volumes (print books and bound journals) | 674,559 |
Book titles (print) | 574,191 |
Electronic book titles | 946,259 |
Serial titles (print journals and other serials) | 9,238 |
Electronic serial titles | 183,738 |
Physical media titles | 7,376 |
Electronic media titles | 341 |
Databases: subscriptions | 124 |
Databases: open access | 341 |
Interlibrary Loan
| Count |
CSU+ | ILL |
Borrowed | 1,520 | 4,149 |
Loaned | 3,202 | 7,676 |
Reference and Instructional Services
| Count |
Instructional sessions | 140 |
Students attending instructional sessions | 3,052 |
Hours of instruction | 171.8 |
Reference desk hours staffed | 1,022 |
Reference questions answered | 2,189 |
Consultations | 396 |
Outreach Events | 21 |
Library Website* Page Views & Searches
| Count |
Pageviews total | 1,597,993 |
OneSearch searches | 550,312 |
Database searches | 908,199 |
Full-text article downloads | 553,986 |
Research Guides pageviews | 372,350 |
*Website refers specifically to the library website, catalog, research guides, subject guides, digital collections, and institutional repository.