WRDS provides researchers at academic institutions access to financial, banking, and economic datasets from a variety of providers.
- Compustat is used to analyze historic performance of companies using accounting data elements.
- CRSP provides historic security prices and trading volumes for measuring market performance.
- Penn World Table provides national price accounts of countries.
Datasets included in CSU Chico's subscription: American Hospital Association Trial, Bank Regulatory, Beta Suite by WRDS, Blockholders, Calcbench Trial, CBOE Indexes, Compustat - Capital IQ, CRSP, CUSIP, DMEF Academic Data, Dow Jones, Efficient Frontier by WRDS, ETF Global Trial, Event Study by WRDS, Fama French & Liquidity Factors, Federal Reserve Bank, Infogroup Trial, ISS (Formerly RiskMetrics) Trial, Levin Trial, MSRB, Penn World Tables, PHLX, SAS Visual Analytics, SEC Order Execution, Sustainalytics Trial, TRACE, World Indices by WRDS.
To gain access:
- Click the 'Access WRDS' button above.
- Select the 'Register' tab.
- Register using your CSU Chico email address.
- WRDS will forward your request to the campus representative who will verify authenticity. This process may take several days.
CSU Chico undergraduate students: Please request access for courses from your professor. Individual student accounts are not provided routinely.
CSU Chico graduate students: Please request access for specific research projects. Please email FNMK@csuchico.edu with details of the research project and the name of a faculty sponsor.
CSU Chico faculty & staff: Individual accounts are available. In addition, faculty may obtain a shared login for class assignments. The class account allows multiple logins and expires at the end of the semester.
Additional help can be requested from WRDS, or found on their Frequently Asked Questions.
Sample Datasets and Demo are available without an account.
If you encounter any difficulties getting an account send an email request for help to FNMK@csuchico.edu.
Access to WRDS is provided by the CSU Chico College of Business.