We come across copyright law and protections every day! Using and sharing images, creating content with AI, writing a paper—it's everywhere! Copyright guru Dr. Patrick Newell will wow and amaze you with the ins and outs of copyright in this series of informative presentations:
Sharing and Using Work with Creative Commons Licenses
Wednesday, February 12
Noon to 2 pm
MLIB 226
Boundaries and Scope of Copyright
Wednesday, March 12
Noon to 2 pm
MLIB 226
Fair Use
Wednesday, April 9
Noon to 2 pm
MLIB 226
Dr. Newell is also offering the Copyright Café and Wellness Spa, a relaxed and supportive environment in which to bring any questions you may have about your own forays into the copyright world every Wednesday from 10 am to noon in the Innovation Lab on the 2nd floor.