Work on the library building continues (more here about that), but the staff and faculty at Meriam still have your back for book suggestions as we get into the heat of summer.
Click here for a larger PDF of our July pics!
For July, we've picked a number of titles we think you'll want on your summer list, starting off with The Best We Could Do by Thi Bui, a graphic novel exploring the anguish of immigration and the lasting effects of displacement. The Best We Could Do is the 2022-23 Book in Common, with Viet Thanh Nguyen calling it “a book to break your heart and heal it.” Another very different story about the search for identity is Daphne Palasi Andreades's Brown Girls, telling the story of women in Queens, New York through a wildly unexpected collective voice.
If you're after a summer potboiler, there's Sparring Partners by John Grisham, featuring three stories about life on the sharpest edges of the law, and Steven Johnson's Enemy of All Mankind, a true story of pirates, one of the most lucrative crimes in history, and the trial of the seventeenth century.
Whatever your tastes, we think we've got you covered, Wildcats. But if you've got a summer read you want to share with others, or want the library to know about, send a note to your librarian or share it in the comments below!
When you're back in the Fall, you'll see our recommendations on the news screens in MLIB 116 -- or ask a librarian and we'll help you find something to read that you're sure to enjoy. Happy Summer!