Contact: 530-898-5499

The Library Acquisitions, Collection Management and Evaluation Department (ACME) is responsible for:


Acquisitions includes the selecting, and acquiring all library materials, including books, journals, media and electronic resources. The unit coordinates the work of academic department faculty (faculty book chairs) and librarians, who cooperatively select individual titles.

Collection Management
The Collection Management unit includes cataloging and serials maintenance. This unit is responsible for ensuring access to electronic journals, cataloging library materials, and maintaining the Meriam Library Catalog. The department manages the library’s print and electronic holdings as well as administrating the library’s databases.

Evaluation of the library’s resources includes gathering usage statistics and evaluating the usage of databases, journals, books, ebooks, and other library resources. The purpose of evaluation is to ensure that library resources are meeting the needs of our patrons and are being utilized by library users.

Questions and comments regarding ACME responsibilities can be directed to Jodi Shepherd, x5499.