Meriam Library aims to achieve a learning atmosphere that promotes studying, research and scholarly interaction in a safe environment for CSU, Chico students. Public Use Policy wording is derived from federal, state and/or municipal law as well as university and library policies. Violations of this policy are considered misconduct. Failure to follow these policies may result in the loss of library privileges and referral to University Police and/or Student Judicial Affairs.

Meriam Library's Guidelines for Accepatable Public Use policy is memorialized California State University, Chico Executive Memorandum 19-032. 

Research and Study Environment

Excessive noise is a frequent complaint raised by patrons of the library. Please be considerate of others and choose your study area appropriately.

The Grove on the first floor is a quiet study area. Please note that due to the proximity of the vending machines, computer lab, restrooms, NetStudy rooms, and the main entrance/exit, some minimal noise is unavoidable. However, The Grove is not appropriate for group study.

The Second Floor is designated for group and collaborative study. However, groups should be considerate of others and attempt to keep noise levels at a minimum.

The Third Floor (with the exception of the group study rooms on the east side) is designated for silent, individual study. No cell phone use or group study is allowed.

The Fourth Floor is designated for group and collaborative study. Groups should be considerate of others.

Group Study Rooms are located on the east side of Second and Third Floors, and are only available to students with a current CSU, Chico ID card. Groups of two or more have priority. Individuals using a room or “holding” a room until their group arrives may be asked to forfeit the room if no other rooms are available. The lights must remain on when the room is in use, and the window must not be blocked by a whiteboard or other method.

Phones; If you need to use your phone, please move to an area where you will not be disturbing others.

Personal items are not to be left unattended. The library is not responsible for lost or stolen property. To minimize theft and to protect our patrons, unattended items may be removed and taken to the library’s Lost & Found or directly to University Police.

Amplified or audible media is prohibited in study areas. Headphones must be used when listening to audio on any device and volume should be kept at a minimal level.

Food and Drink is allowed in most areas of the library but please eat and drink responsibly. Dispose of your trash and recyclables, and clean up spills, crumbs, or sticky tables. If you experience a spill that you cannot adequately address, please notify staff at the Circulation counter in the lobby.

Certain areas within the library prohibit consumption of food and drink entirely, such as Special Collections and the computer labs. Drinks should not be consumed near any electronic equipment.

Personal Behavior

The library strives to provide a safe and welcoming learning environment. To help achieve this goal, prohibited behaviors include:

Threats, abuse, or harassment of library patrons or staff, whether verbal or physical. This includes challenging library staff or library patrons requesting compliance of library use policy.

Camping or Extended Sleeping. This includes bringing into the library an excessive amount of personal items, beyond what would be considered normal for a student attending classes during the day.

Viewing materials that create a hostile, intimidating, or offensive learning environment. All computer use is governed by the Information Technology Acceptable Use Policy.

Loitering, which is defined as standing around or waiting around idly or without apparent purpose, or wandering from place to place without apparent reason or business. Library patrons are expected to use the library in support of the academic mission of the university.

Disorderly conduct that interferes or has the potential to interfere with a safe and healthy library environment.

Riding of skateboards, bicycles, scooters, self-balancing boards, or any wheeled recreational vehicle inside the building, unless necessary due to injury or disability. Such vehicles must be small enough to carry and be stored neatly underneath a chair or table. Bicycles are not permitted in the public areas of the library or directly adjacent to the building, in the breezeway, or near any entrances or exits. Bicycles should be secured to an approved bike rack.

Animals, other than those trained as service animals.

Weapons of any kind.

Possession or consumption of alcohol or illegal drugs; visible intoxication (see Disorderly Conduct above). Please refer to the Chico State Student Affairs Alcohol Policy.

Consumption of tobacco in any form; use of vaporizers or e-cigarettes is also prohibited.

Being in an unauthorized area of the library or remaining in the library complex after it is closed, or when requested to leave during emergency situations.

Opening emergency exits or setting off security and/or emergency alarms except in emergency situations.

Blocking an aisle, exit, or pathway with electrical cords or furniture.

Searching through and/or removing items from trash or recycling bins.

Photography or videography of staff or patrons within the library requires approval of the subjects being filmed. Please speak with Library Building Management in advance. Any individual or organization other than the working media that plans to take pictures for broadcast or public use must contact Public Affairs and Publications, 530-898-4143. Please see the campus photo policy for additional information:

Personal hygiene should not be disruptive, unpleasant, or interfere with the use of the library by others.

Use and Protection of the Library’s Collections and Environment

The library’s collections, equipment, and study environment are intended to be shared resources, available to all users. As such, the following is prohibited:

Concealing library materials for the purpose of exclusive use.

Vandalizing or defacing any part of the library building complex, its furniture or equipment.

Mutilating library materials by marking, underlining, removing pages or bindings, or in any other way defacing or damaging library materials.

Maliciously accessing, altering, disconnecting, deleting, damaging or destroying any library computer system, network, computer program or data.

Posting and distributing flyers and leaflets. Materials posted within the library will be removed. Please see the University Publicity Policy for more information on approved posting locations:

Soliciting, marketing, and petitioning within the library.


University Police: (530) 898-5555 (non-emergency) or 911 (emergency)

Library Building Management: (530) 898-5267

Library Circulation/Reserve: (530) 898-6501