I am the Institutional Repository Librarian at Meriam Library which means I manage ScholarWorks at Chico State. ScholarWorks is a shared repository that collects, preserves, and provides access to scholarship by the research communities at the California State University campuses. Collections include student dissertations and theses, student capstones, CSU faculty publications, datasets, and teaching materials. It is one central location for Open Access content created by our campus community.
I am also the liaison librarian to the Anthropology department. I can assist with reference, primary source analysis, information literacy and research instruction.
As a first-generation college student, I received my Bachelor’s degree in Anthropology from Chico State, my Master’s in Anthropology from California State University, Northridge and my Master's in Library and Information Science from San José State University. I have worked in libraries, art galleries, historical societies, museums, as well as the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).
Current publications:
Visintainer, S. D., Feldman, A. W., Kruger, P. N., & Livingston, C. B. (2023). Testimony and Tenacity: Rapid-response Collecting the Pandemic. In Van Kampen-Breit, D. (Ed.) Managing Crises in the Academic Library: Past, Present and Future. ACRL: Chicago, IL.
Saulat, Z. & Kruger, P. N. (2023). Let’s Take a Moment: Student Reflections and Reframing Research as a Journey. In Nichols, J., Mallon, M., Foster, E., Santiago, A., Seale, M., & Brown, R. (Eds.), Exploring Inclusive & Equitable Pedagogies: Creating Space for All Learners. ACRL: Chicago, IL.
Scott, A., Kruger, P. N. & Korber, I. (2022). Of primary importance: Connecting social studies teachers to library and museum resources. In Hudson-Ward, A., Rodrigues Widholm J. & Walter, S. (Eds.) Cultural Heritage and the Campus Community: Academic Libraries and Museums in Collaboration. ACRL: Chicago, IL.
Korber, I. & Kruger, P. N. (2021). Who needs a laptop? Adopting a mobile laptop cart to address space and equity issues in information literacy instruction. Public Services Quarterly, 17(3).
Loa, B. & Kruger, P. N. (2021). Community of Practice at the California State University Special Collections and University Archives. Journal of Western Archives, 12 (1).
Visintainer, S. D., Feldman, A. W., Kruger, P. N., & Livingston, C. B. (2020). Collecting COVID at the California State University: Shared Approaches, Divergent Implementations. Collections, 17(2), 137–147.
Kruger, P. N., & Scott, A. (2020). Cooking from your pantry: Using inquiry to evaluate and understand primary sources. In S. E. Morris (Ed.), Critical thinking about sources cookbook (pp. 40-41). ACRL: Chicago, IL.