Election Day has come and gone. The right to vote should not be taken for granted, remember those who fought hard to allow all of us to vote. Here are a number of reasons to vote--So you can complain with integrity, if you don’t vote for your own interests, who will?,  “Apathy gets you the government we have today.” – Gil Sery, and because you get a free sticker! Check out the League of Women's non-partisan Voters Guide to help you decide who to vote for and on the propositions.  

Check out up-to-date results at the following link:

Semi-Official Election Results from the Secretary of State for California

Election results are updated as often as new data is received from county elections offices after the polls close at 8:00 p.m. on Election Day. Many ballots are not counted on Election Day; county elections officials plan to complete their work by December 7, 2018.
